Dedicated to supporting Spanish + English bilingual education and successes for the bilingual population of Geneva, New York.
Made up of a group of caring and compassionate individuals, Vamos Geneva 2030 is a platform created by the Bilingual Education Action Team, a committee that meets monthly to support the goals of Geneva 2030, Hobart and William Smith Colleges' collective impact initiative dedicated to increasing success rates for students in Geneva, NY.
The 2019 Community Report displayed disparities across cultures and language proficiency, specifically for the Spanish-speaking population of Geneva, when it came to graduation rates and literacy test scores. Our goals include finding ways to better support Hispanic and Limited English Proficiency students in order to ensure engagement, building connections and support throughout their academic career.
The Action Team engages with stakeholders, reviews Geneva City School District data regarding graduation rates, and harnesses collaborative ideas with other Action Teams (attendance, school success, STEAM, literacy, and college/career readiness) to maximize potential to increase graduation rates for bilingual youth.
Geneva 2030 is the larger initiative that we are a part of. To find more information about them and the other action teams, click the link below.